I chose the Billy Collins poem in the previouse post because it seemed to connect with this season of my life. The ordinary moments sometimes feel so thick I can taste them these days. It really is the quiet time at home & the summer evenings I've spent walking the dog that have rebirthed my desire to blog. I used to feel such intensity about the new things I was experiencing in life; the thrill of looking off Lookout Mountain at sunset, the musty smell of a church in a foreign country, the fearful rush of indepence, the sensations of recipriated romance, the heart-bursting joy of deepening friendship, the warm stirrings of bonding with a child, & I knew that was something to write about. Those are things you expect people want to read about, but it's more difficult to describe everyday life in a way that isn't remincient of one of those bad Christmas letters where people brag about their kids & try to seem incredible. I get it though. There is something about delighting in your life that might seem like bragging when in fact, it's just part of enjoying the whole thing. I never want to stop being amazed by the growth in Rachel, the cuteness of my dog, the fun of rearranging a room, the hugs from my family, cooking a good dinner, having a great conversation or accomplishing an every day challenge (like cleaning the kitchen at midnight). So I guess that is what this blog is about. It's about the things that pop into my head when I'm having a slow day at work, when I take my dog on a night walk (because I couldn't do it any earlier), when I'm driving, or showering, or going out of my mind.
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I just sat down with a bowl of ice cream, and enjoyed some cyber time with my Brookie :). I enjoyed reading all your posts on your new blog, and I'm a subscriber :). I love that you're writing about the "ordinaries" of life. My life has a lot of that with staying at home with David, but I am absolutely relishing and loving our ordinary moments lately. I was just saying yesterday to a lady at church that it's the most ordinary and quiet moments of life that there is so much grandeur . . . it's not in the pomp and "grand" moments. Thanks for sharing your ordinary with us!
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